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Marlinspike's crypt

You can do a search in this site's pages using keywords. To do that, just enter the keywords you're looking for in the following form. The search engine will then list all the pages where some of the keywords appear. Don't use booleans operators (AND, OR, NOT, NEAR); to search for a consecutive group of words, put them between quotation marks. Be careful with the spelling as the search engine does not ignore the accents (e.g. Hergé and not Herge). Moreover, you can expect to obtain results from the French and Spanish versions.


  • To find pages containing "Hadoque", enter: Hadoque
  • To find pages containing "Allan" and/or "Rastapopoulos", enter: Allan Rastapopoulos
  • To find pages containing "Tintin in Tibet", enter: "Tintin in Tibet"



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