Tintin in the Voting Booth

Fake election

You have an opinion one anything related to Tintin and you share it? Then you'll find the opportunity here to express it using our regurlarly updated poll. There is only one rule: please vote only once, in order to have significant results...

July 7, 2002

If the musical Prisoners of the Sun would come to your region, would you see it?



October 8, 2001

Do you think the Hergé Foundation should refuse any use of Tintin to defend a political issue (ex. Tibet, fight against terrorism etc.)?

YES: 812 (51.07 %)
NO: 648 (40.75 %)

June 23, 2001

After a few months of delay, a new question proposed by Anne-Laure Joubert :

Is Tintin fair- or red-haired?

fair-haired: 547 (70.13 %)
red-haired: 233 (29.87 %)

February 5, 2001

A very interesting question proposed by William Quill...

Which of these children had the most effect on the story?

Coco: 49 (3.92 %)
Abdallah: 205 (16.40 %)
Tchang: 869 (69.52 %)
Zorrino: 127 (10.16 %)

January 1, 2001

This time it's true, we're entering a new century...

Do you think that Tintin will still be popular in a hundred years?

YES: 218 (77.58%)
NO: 63 (22.42%)

October 1, 2000

In the last years, Moulinsart s.a. has tried to limit and control the Tintin merchandising to increase the quality of the products. It remains to be seen whether they succeeded or not ; for sure what increased are the prices...

Do you think that most of the Tintin products are too expensive?

YES: 482 (86.54 %)
NO: 75 (13.46 %)

July 15, 2000

The comics artist Jacques Tardi once said: "Never was drawn something as beautiful as the first black and white Tintin books." If for sure those versions present some deficiencies as regards the scenario, it's true that they see Hergé reach the height of his graphical mastery. Yet, they are somewhat ignored by the public in general...

Did you ever read a black and white Tintin (excluding the Soviets)?

Due to server problems at sondage-gratuit.com, the results have been lost. The question will be asked again sometime in the next months.

June 15, 2000

In Tintinôlatrie, Albert Algoud presents a very funny astrological portrait of Tintin, where he guesses he was born on January 10, 1929, the first day of publication of the Soviets, so our hero would be a Capricorn...

What do you think is Tintin's sign of the zodiac?

Aries: 8 (6.06 %)
Taurus: 11 (8.33 %)
Gemini: 16 (12.12 %)
Cancer: 7 (5.30 %)
Leo: 12 (9.09 %)
Virgo: 14 (10.61 %)
Libra: 13 (9.85 %)
Scorpio: 6 (4.55 %)
Sagittarius: 9 (6.82 %)
Capricorn: 20 (15.15 %)
Aquarius: 10 (7.58 %)
Pisces: 6 (4.55 %)

April 1, 2000

From time to time you can read in La Dépêche the latest news concerning the record auctions of Tintin products at Drouot's. It seems some don't hesitate to spend fortunes to buy the collector's item they dream of. Are you one of them?

Are you a tintinomaniac collector?

yes: 41 (28.08%)
no: 105 (71.92%)


March 1, 2000

This week, a little interest for most of us but that will certainly help me improve this website!

What new section would you like to see in this site?


the deleted sequences and images: 72 (37.50%)
Hergé's sources: 14 (7.29%)
Hergé's other works: 19 (9.90%)
the collectibles and Tintin-derived products: 25 (13.02%)
references to Hergé in other comics: 37 (19.27%)
old albums quotes: 25 (13.02%)

February 15, 2000

The possibility that another artist could create new adventures of Tintin has been a much debated question since Hergé's death, and particularly during the last few months. If it should happen, what kind of attitude would the Hergé Foundation adopt? Should it let the new author adapt Tintin to his style, or should he try to respect as much as possible Hergé's own style, as van Hamme and Benoît did in their Blake et Mortimer? Let me know what you think...

If a new artist was to create new adventures of Tintin, would you prefer...


... that he gives to the character its own style without trying to copy Hergé's: 18 (21.43%)
... that he tries to do it à la manière de Hergé: 66 (78.57%)

November 15, 1999

Professor Calculus should certainly win the Nobel Prize to reward years of brilliant work in various fields such as astronautics, ultrasound or combustibles...

Which of these inventions do you admire most?


a machine to brush clothes: 2 (5.13%)
the shark submarine: 4 (10.26%)
the lunar rocket: 23 (58.97%)
the motor-driven roller skates: 3 (7.69%)
the N. 14 antidote: 3 (7.69%)
the ultrasound emitter: 0 (0.00%)
the color television: 3 (7.69%)
the Bianca rose: 1 (2.56%)

October 15, 1999

Let's keep the topic of the age and have a much debated question...

How old do you think Tintin is?


less than 15 years old: 3 (1.76%)
15 or 16 years old: 11 (6.47%)
17 or 18 years old: 19 (11.41%)
19 or 20 years old: 53 (31.18%)
more than 20 years old: 84 (49.41%)

October 1st, 1999

How old were you when you read Tintin for the first time?


5 or less: 18 (16.98%)
between 6 and 12: 83 (78.30%)
between 13 and 19: 4 (3.77%)
between 20 and 39: 1 (0.94%)
40 or more: 0

September 15, 1999

If you had to visit one of the countries created by Herge - Syldavia, Borduria, San Theodoros and Khemed -, which one would you choose?


Syldavie: 39 (52.00%)
Borduria: 7 (9.33%)
San Theodoros: 18 (24.00%)
Khemed: 11 (14.67%)

August 15, 1999

Tintin fans have been waiting for a new movie starring Tintin and his friends for a long time. Meanwhile, we can still watch again Le Mystère de la Toison d'or, Tintin et les Oranges Bleues, Tintin et le Temple du Soleil and Tintin et le Lac aux requins...

Which one of these movies is your favourite?


Le Mystère de la Toison d'or: 32 (19.88%)
Tintin et les Oranges Bleues: 23 (14.29%)
Tintin et le Temple du Soleil: 69 (42.86%)
Tintin et le Lac aux requins: 37 (22.98%)

August 1st, 1999

When Hergé named his famous character Tintin, he created a real mystery: what kind of name is it? a surname? a first name? a pet name (for Martin or Augustin?...)? or a nickname? Let's see what's your opinion...

Is Tintin the character's surname, first name, pet name or nickname?


his surname: 18 (18.18%)
his first name: 28 (28.28%)
a pet name: 28 (28.28%)
a nickname: 25 (25.25%)

July 15, 1999

There's an interesting text on the Hergé Foundation's website about the true identiy of Endaddine Akass, the mysterious character of the Alph-Art. There are many hypothesis, but now it's your turn to choose!

Who do you think Endaddine Akass really is?


Roberto Rastapopoulos : 30 (53.57%)
The Maharadjah of Gopal : 7 (12.50%)
Mohammed Ben Kalish Ezab : 5 (8.93%)
Colonel Sponsz : 10 (17.86%)
Wronzoff : 4 (7.14%)

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